Peri x Perry
In early 2025, Team Peri will launch “The Peri Project,” a pilot initiative creating self-care kits for Pediatric ICU caregivers. In hospitals, caregivers prioritize loved ones’ health, often neglecting their own well-being. Peri having spent months in hospitals has seen the toll caregiving takes and the inevitable burnout and emotional toll that exists. Caregivers cannot support patients if they’re struggling themselves. As NYU Langone Hospital is Peri's primary hospital, we will beta test “The Peri Project” in their Child Life Program. Our goal is simple: prioritize caregiver mental health.
In memory of a close family friend, Perry Finkelman, “The Peri Project” will be geared towards those who are forgotten in the patient/healthcare space. Perry was the first person to believe in Peri and turned a young girl’s toy drive for her local hospital into a huge success by donating thousands of dollars of toys to the Child Life Center. The logo for the project represents the two ‘Peri’ hearts interlocking into one as Peri would not be who she is today without Perry’s unconditional love and unwavering support backing her all of those years.
We plan to distribute about 100 care packages to the Pediatric Unit for parents and caregivers who need some TLC to keep fighting, advocating, and caring for their children. We hope to expand this project to more Child Life Centers in hospitals in our community and beyond that need our help supporting patients and families.