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Dear Trolls,

To all of the trolls who decided to hate on our recent Fox News article, this one’s for you.

Do you know how many times I’ve dreamt of racing in all of those marathons just like any other competitor? How many times I wished I didn’t have to be pushed in a jogging stroller and instead could feel the pavement with my own two feet, the blood rushing through my veins, my heart beating outside of my chest as I ran, not being chained to any tubes, and just being free? Like truly free?! 12 times to be exact, and I will never know that feeling. For 12 half marathons, I would watch all of these other athletes and wonder why that couldn’t be me. The reason is that I am trapped inside my body, one that doesn’t provide me with a break. It's needy, it's broken, and it makes me feel like a lost cause and rather isolated 99% of the time. I rely on a caregiver 24/7 and the only freedom and independence that I have is when I use my brain to spark even the slightest bit of change in this world of ours. 

From 2011-2020, my mom pushed me in a jogging stroller - we were one. So yes, I didn’t physically compete but I certainly didn’t ‘cheat’. In fact, from 2016 to 2020, I came out of the jogging stroller and walked the last feat (whatever it was at the time) and crossed over the finish line in my gait trainer (walker), so I could experience that marathon feeling and perhaps even get my power back, just like any other athlete. It took me a full year to train (day in and day out) to walk in my gait trainer a few steps over the finish line, 1 mile, 1.5 miles, and 1.5 miles forwards and backward (which was actually supposed to be 2 miles but my body decided for me that year). Every day, five days a week, I would either walk laps in my basement or undergo rigorous strength training. The only reason why I rolled over the finish line with my power chair in 2023 and 2024 was that my mom and I both experienced severe health issues that prevented us from participating, yet we wanted to cross over the finish line with our team as we all met our fundraising goals and surpassed them beyond our expectations.

As you so cavalierly wrote in your comments on the article, I am not a re*ard, I wasn't forced into this marathon journey, and it wasn't easy. I am not afraid of the haters. I am who I am and I’ve accepted that. But have you ever noticed how ableist this world of ours is? Did you ever stop to think and realize the language that is used around people with disabilities? Well, you should because it’s anything but rainbows and sunshine. The lack of compassion when trying to understand how one lives as a person with a disability and medical challenges is astonishing. To all of the trolls out there, how nice for you that you have the privilege to not extend an ounce of compassion for anyone who is different from you. I am sure your life is perfect and you were never bullied, or perhaps you were and this is why you’re like this. I feel sorry for you, I genuinely do.

I have faced backlash my entire life, whether it be from bullies or as an advocate who brings controversial issues up for discussion, and every time I make a post on social media or get PR, I know that means that I am signing up for this all - I know the risks. But I feel motivated to do what I can because the alternative is to allow myself to play the victim and let my body win. I am not a victim. I wish I could say that the comments from you trolls didn't bother me, but that would be a lie. I am only human, as aren't we all. I may appear to be invincible but it is hard not to feel anything when ableist comments are thrown in your face. But, news flash, for the first time in my life, I know I am enough. The world can continue to reject me, but I will keep on bouncing back because that is who I am and you can either take it or leave it. I have my scars, you have yours. But I won’t let anyone take my power. I will keep showing up. I know who is behind me and I appreciate you all, but to all those who just discovered me and feel the need to bully for whatever reason you think is necessary, please keep your ableist and derogatory comments to yourself, as you can’t break me but you can hurt others with your comments.

To our Team Peri army, while the comments have been turned off since writing this, I wanted to address it all as it is important to know what it feels like to live in an ableist world and to be someone like me. I am a female founder, an entrepreneur, a digital creator, a podcaster, a sister, a daughter, and so much more. I am just a woman who yearns one day soon to explore the world, wheels to the ground, to give in to that wanderlust that I know is in me. I won’t wait to be invited to get a seat at the table. I’ll be building one on my own.

So tell me, trolls, what do you have to say now for yourselves? I'll wait...and while you're at it, try doing a half-marathon as someone who is in my shoes. Then you'll be sorry that you wasted your time staring at your screen just waiting to take someone down so that you feel better about yourself. You brought the drama, not me.

Until we meet next.


The Loser Re*ard Girl on Wheels, B.S. '22, MBA '23

This is #TalesofWanderlust by Peri. XX   

Photo Credit: Michael Seeley

Founded by Peri R. Finkelstein, @perirhiannon

Team Peri is a 501(c)3 charitable organization established in 2022. 

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